Okay, we admit it – we’re a bit obsessive about the planning stage of our projects. Sure, we know, it’s not the sexy design stage that everyone wants to get to right away. It’s that eat-your-vegetables-discipline stage, that, *yawn* our clients are quite happy to have us fuss over.
But it is THE thing that makes for a successful project; it’s the glue! It is the blueprint for the structure of the site and it guides design by indicating what each page needs to accomplish and lead to, and it is a roadmap for client content creation.
A good plan also sets expectations – which is the foundation of a great client-developer relationship. Most clients who approach us in the wake of an unhappy experience generally lacked a clear set of expectations.
We firmly believe in creating a flowchart visually illustrating the structure and features of the website and providing a contract that spells out what we’re going to provide, terms of payment and what the client is expected to provide to make it possible.
It’s amazing how saying what you intend to do and delivering on it (or surpassing it) makes everyone very happy. It’s almost sexy.
Kelly Patchet
Kelly is a co-founder of GK Media and has been a web content expert and website strategist since 1997.
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